Rockland Recreation
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Summer Soccer Skills & Drills

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A Bouncing Soccer Ball Against A Hard Wood Floor
Come join Rockland Recreation for Summer Soccer Skills & Drills. 

Players will learn the basics of the game such as,
*and shooting

They will also learn throw-ins and goal kicks
As well as spacing.

About the Instructor:
Connor Cleaves has been coaching soccer for the past 5 years.
"My goal is to get soccer players to reach attainable age level outcomes."

Dates:  7/8-8/12
Grades & Times:

Gr. 3-4= 4:00-5:00pm
Gr. 5-6= 5:15-6:15pm
Cost: $70.00
Location: Turf Field = Next to the Phelps School

What to bring: 
~plenty of Water
~Shin pads/socks
~Ball (if you have one, we will have some to use)

Just a reminder that:

~The only liquid allowed on the field is water, no sport drinks, soda or coffee are allowed.
~There is to be NO food of any kind on the field, this includes sunflower seeds, candy or gum.
~We are not allowing any of the following items on the field: folding chairs of any kind, tables, tents, generators, baby carriages and portable speakers. 
If we want to keep being allowed to use the turf we need to follow the rules! Thank you

This is a message from the Park Commissioners.

If you or your child use the turf field for a program please see the notice below. 

Hi All
You are receiving this email because you are using the Turf Field for practice or games for your organization.
We been making spot checks and have observed a few issues that need to be addressed while using the field. It is your responsibility to see that your players and parents follow the rules.
The Park guys are spending a lot of time clean up the field and we know it is not just the organizations that are using the field causing the problem. 
The only liquid allowed on the field is water, no sport drinks, soda or coffee are allowed.
There is to be no food of any kind on the field, this includes sunflower seeds, candy or gum.
We are not allowing any of the following items on the field: folding chairs of any kind, tables, tents, generators, baby carriages and portable speakers. 
We need your help to see that these ruled are followed to help minimize the possibility of the field being torn. To repair the field is expensive.  
If we see anything else that needs to be addressed, we send out another email.
Thank You for Your Help
The Rockland Park Department

Please Read: 
If your child is not feeling well or is exhibiting any of the following symptoms please keep them home. 
- a fever 
- a cough
- sore throat
- fast breathing
- chills
- shaking with chills
- muscle pain
- headache
- a loss of taste or smell

Registration & Refund Information

Registration: Student is only considered registered (and spot reserved) in a program once payment is received. Online registration & payment is the quickest and easiest way to secure a spot in a program. Registration is also accepted in our office and by mail on a first-come first-served basis.

 There will be a $10 processing fee for all refunds/credits and all requests must be made at least 5 business days prior to the start of the program.

Age Requirement:
 Participants must be the minimum age for the program or turn that age within the first week of the program.

 Please keep a record of your registration. Confirmations are emailed as soon as your registration is processed; no further confirmations or reminders are provided.

We ensure the safety of all participants in our programs. Therefore we hold the right to decline/remove any child from any program provided that the child is: 1)Potentially putting themselves at risk of injury, 2) Potentially putting others at risk of injury through their actions, or 3) Blatantly disregarding proper safety rules as set forth by the instructor of the program.

* Adjustments and discounts will be applied during checkout if applicable. *

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