Rockland Recreation
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Hartsuff Park Chipmunk Program Register View Cart

The "Chipmunk" summer program welcomes children ages 3-5 who are currently in Pre-K or entering Kindergarten this fall. Our experienced staff will lead a variety of engaging activities designed to encourage physical play, creativity through arts & crafts, a love of reading during story time, exploration of the natural world, and fun in the swimming pool. Children will be grouped by age and supervised by the program director, counselors, and waterfront staff. Please note: All children must be fully potty trained. We do not have the facilities to accommodate diapers or pull-ups.

The staff-to-participant ratio will not exceed 1:7.  Children when needed will be divided up into age groups and overseen by the Program Director and Counselors. 
Each week of our program has a theme and plan special programming is developed around each theme.  We will send home notices about dressing up as your favorite character, animal, super hero etc.  If you have questions about the themes you can contact the office or ask a counselor.  

Every Wednesday

Kona Ice truck will be arriving in the afternoon. They will be serving free shaved ice to all the children registered in our program.  

Special Note:
There will be no program held July 3rd or 4th.
WEEKS / Theme 
Week 1 - June 23: Disney  Week 
Week 2 - June 30:  Dino Week No Program July 3rd or 4th

Week 3 - July 7: Christmas in July
Week 4 - July 14: Luau Week
Week 5 - July 22: Animal Week  
Week 6 - July 28: Camp's Got Talent  
Week 7: August 4: Hero vs Villain

Week 8 - August 11: Spirit Week

Weekly Fees: 
This program runs Monday through Thursday, we no longer offer individual days.
Full Day  Monday- Thursday 8:45 am - 3 pm:  $165 (We will plan quiet time if needed but no naps) 
Half Day Monday -Thursday 8:45 am-12:30 pm: $115

Extended Hours Morning Only
Extended morning hours are available 7:30 am - 9:00 am for an additional $10.00/morning
Chipmunks are not eligible for PM extended care.

Late picking up your child? 
For children not picked up by the end of the program, regular or extended hours, the following late policy will be in effect:

 - First 5 minutes: Grace Period
- Each 5 minutes thereafter: $5.00 per 5 minutes/child

Payment must be received no later than the Monday at noon time prior to the start of the week. 
If we do not receive payment then your child will not be considered registered for the week. 

If you have a balance owed from the previous year you will not be considered registered until you pay off the balance. 

All fees include the Arts & Craft Supplies, Supplies for Games, Enrichment, Staff, Swim Lesson (if available), T-Shirt, and General Supplies.  
All daily backpacks should be CLEARLY LABELED and include the following:
- Bathing Suit (If your child will wear their bathing suit under their clothes it will cut down on the changing time and they will have more time in the pond)
- Water shoes, these are REQUIRED for the children to enter the pond. NO EXCEPTIONS. (Sometimes we have sharp rocks in the pond that can cut your child's feet and spoils the children's experience)
- Towel
- Bug Spray & Sunscreen
- Wear Sneaker NO OPEN TOE SHOES!
- Snacks & Reusable Water Bottle

FREE LUNCH will only be provided if the grant below is awarded to Rockland.
Lunch: FREE Lunch is available if the children would like Monday-Thursday. It is provided by a grant program called Picnic in the Park. We will do our best to send you a menu ahead of time

Location: Hartsuff Park Recreation Area (146 Hingham Street)

Registrations: All registrations must be made NO LATER THAN ONE WEEK in advance to provide adequate staffing. (Example:  Your child is attending on June 24, you must pay by no later than June 17th)

Enrollment: limited; staff to participant ratio is 1:7.
*All children must be completely toilet trained.*

T-Shirts: Registrations by April 1st  will be guaranteed a t-shirt and their size. Registrations after that date can not be guaranteed a correct size. If you do not answer the question of what size shirt your child will wear then we can not guarantee you will get the correct size. 

Swimming Lessons: If we have a swim instructor then swimming lessons are included in the cost of the Chipmunk Program.  Please indicate on the questions asked if you would like your child to participate in the lessons.  


A copy of your child's birth certificate and physical are required

***RAIN DAYS WILL BE AT Rockland Community Center. 
ADDRESS:  394 Union St., Rockland, MA 02370 **

In this case you will receive an email from the Recreation Department, it will be announced on our website and on our Facebook page.  

Please Read: 
If your child is not feeling well or is exhibiting any of the following symptoms please keep them home. 
- a fever 
- a cough
- sore throat
- fast breathing
- chills
- shaking with chills
- muscle pain
- headache
- a loss of taste or smell
- Has been in contact with anyone with Covid 

Illness Policy:
Children must be healthy enough to participate in the program’s daily routine.
We do not have the facilities to care for sick children and therefore do not allow them to attend the Program.
For the safety and comfort of your child, please keep them home until they feel better and no longer present the danger of passing on their illness.

If you are keeping your child home due to illness, please contact the Program by 7:45am and let the Recreation office know of your child’s absence.

When your child has a fever (of 100.5) or vomiting/diarrhea, please make sure they remain at home for 24 hours after their temperature and symptoms returns to normal.

We may require a physician’s release for any medical or health condition. If your child becomes ill while at our program, you will be asked to pick up your child as soon as possible.

The following are defined as illness or communicable health problems:
- Conjunctivitis (Pink Eye)
- A chronic runny nose with colored discharge
- A chronic cough
- A fever
- Vomiting or upset stomach
- Signs of general fatigue or discomfort
- An open rash
- Knowledge that the child has had a fever within the past 24 hours

Registration & Refund Information 
Registration: Student is only considered registered (and spot reserved) in a program once payment is received. Online registration & payment is the quickest and easiest way to secure a spot in a program. Registration is also accepted in our office and by mail on a first-come first-served basis.

Refunds: There will be a $10 processing fee for all refunds/credits and all requests must be made at least 5 business days prior to the start of the program.

Age Requirement:
 Participants must be the minimum age for the program or turn that age within the first week of the program.

 Please keep a record of your registration. Confirmations are emailed as soon as your registration is processed; no further confirmations or reminders are provided.

We ensure the safety of all participants in our programs. Therefore we hold the right to decline/remove any child from any program provided that the child is:
1)Potentially putting themselves at risk of injury,
2) Potentially putting others at risk of injury through their actions
3) Blatantly disregarding proper safety rules as set forth by the instructor of the program.


Additional Forms and Files:
Register Activity Ages Grades Days Date/Time Fees
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Chipmunks Extended AM 
3y - 5y N/A MTuWThF  06/23/2025 - 08/15/2025
07:30 AM - 08:45 AM

Hartsuff Park
See Options
Purchasing Options are $7.00 per day from 7:30am - 9:00am
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Chipmunks Half Day 
3y - 5y N/A MTuWThF  06/23/2025 - 08/15/2025
08:45 AM - 12:30 PM

Hartsuff Park - Pine Grove
See Options
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Chipmunks Full Day 
3y - 5y N/A MTuWThF  06/23/2025 - 08/15/2025
08:45 AM - 03:00 PM

Hartsuff Park
See Options
* Adjustments and discounts will be applied during checkout if applicable. *

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